BILLBORD - Billboard Advertising For PCBoard 15.1 BBS's Joe Caverly 18 Daniel St. St. Thomas, Ontario Canada N5P 2A6 BBS: 519-633-6574 - Home Office Business Exchange BBS CIS: 74214,637 Release Date: September 11, 1994 You are hereby licensed to use this program as part of your own BBS without any requirement for payment of a fee to the author. Further, you may modify the source code for your own purposes. You may not, however, distribute the "modified" source code to this program in part or in whole without permission from the author, nor may you charge any fee for it's use. The author assumes no responsibility for loss or damages arising out of the use of this program. This program was written in PPLC Version 2.0, running on a single-node PCBoard Version 15.1. I would like to hear your thoughts on this program, as well as any modifications that you make to it. If you discover any undocumented features (bugs), please let me know about them. Overview: This program is a replacement for record 396 in the PCBTEXT file. You can add this program to the PCBTEXT file by running MKPCBTXT, go to record 396, and replace the command with !C:\PCB\PPL\BILLBORD.PPE The program displays standard ASCII text files, which you can create using any text editor. You can also include any of the @X PCBoard colour combinations in the files. By default, you need to create a directory called C:\PCB\BILLBORD to hold these text files, as this is hard-coded into the program. This directory also holds the Working Storage files for the Ad Counter, and the Time Check. If you have the PPLC Compiler, you can make the necessary changes in the source code, and compile it to meet your needs. If you don't have the PPLC Compiler, you can call my BBS, enter a message to the SYSOP, stating your directory setup, I'll make the changes in the code, compile it, and reply with a copy of the compiled program, which you can dial-in and download to your BBS. By default, the program has a display interval of 300, which is about 5 minutes. The maximum number of Ads that can be displayed is 2. Both of these defaults can be changed. Follow the same procedure above if you want these changed. The name of your text files must be called BORD1.AD, BORD2.AD, etc., and be stored in the C:\PCB\BILLBORD directory. Some suggested uses for this program include; * BBS Tips For Your Users * Paid or Non-Paid Advertising * BBS Event Schedules * Scores For Your Door Games * And More! Use your imagination, and let me know what you come up with. BTW, this is my *first* attempt at writing a PPL, so please don't be too harsh on my coding. I welcome and constructive comments about the program. Enjoy! Regards, Joe Caverly 18 Daniel St. St. Thomas, Ontario Canada N5P 2A6 BBS: 519-633-6574 - Home Office Business Exchange BBS CIS: 74214,637